
In Staventabs, there are three types of score layouts:

  • Horizontal layout Horizontal layout displays a score as a horizontally oriented sheet with a single system without breaks.
  • Vertical layout Vertical layout breaks a score into multiple systems and puts them on a single sheet with a fixed width.
  • Pages layout Pages layout breaks a score into systems and then arrange them by pages with fixed width and height.
Score layout options
Score layout options

Changing the score layout

To change the layout of your score make the following actions.

  1. Open Settings Settings.
  2. Go to Layout Customization.
    Layout customization item in Settings
    Layout customization item in Settings
  3. Choose the required layout.
    Choosing the layout option in Layout customization
    Choosing the layout option
  4. Tap Done to apply changes.
    Applying the layout change
    Applying the layout change
  5. Tap Done to close Settings and go back to your updated score.
    Closing Settings
    Closing Settings
