Enter notes

On the right side of the Project screen, you can see the Pitches panel. It is responsible for adding notes by their pitches into the current selected position.

Project screen with a grand staff on iPad

Let's add some notes to the first staff.

  1. To create notes C4 and E4, tap the corresponding pitch buttons in the One-line octave section of the Pitches panel.
    C4 and E4 quarter notes and the One-line octave section of the Pitches panel
  2. As you can see, the added notes are quarter notes, though we need the half ones. The duration of notes can be changed in the Note values panel. Expand it by tapping the Note value Note value button button in the bottom-left corner of the screen.
    Expanded Note values panel
  3. In the Note values panel, scroll to the left and tap the Half Half note value button of the Note values panel button.
    Half note value button selected in the Note values panel, and C4 and E4 half notes on the score
  4. In the Navigation panel, which is in the bottom-right corner, tap the Next Next button of the Navigation panel button. This will create a new position for the subsequent notes and highlight it.
    New empty position for the subsequent notes and Navigation panel
  5. As the note value at the new position is the same as in the previous one, scroll to the right and tap the Sixteenth Sixteenth note value button of the Note values panel button in the Note values panel to change it.
    Sixteenth note value button selected in the Note values panel
  6. Add notes B3 and D4 as described in step 1.
    B3 and D4 sixteenth notes at the new position
  7. Go to the next position as described in step 4 and enter notes C4 and E4 using the Pitches panel.
    Beamed sixteenth notes

    The sixteenth notes from the second and third positions are beamed automatically.
