Copy and paste notes

The following notes in the sonata are identical to those we added in the previous steps. Therefore, we can just copy and paste the notes instead of entering them one more time.

Beamed sixteenth notes
  1. Tap on the selected area to switch to the Fragments mode. The Actions panel will take the place of the Pitches panel.
    The last position selected in the Fragments mode and the Action panel
  2. Long press the round indicator Selection box round indicator in the top-left corner of the selection box. Once the selection is no longer outlined by dashed lines and the vertical borders become solid, drag to the left until all the sixteenth notes are highlighted.
    The process of selecting the sixteenth notes
  3. Release the round indicator to finish selecting.
    The selected sixteenth notes
  4. In the Actions panel, tap the Copy Copy button button to copy the selected notes.

  5. Paste the copied notes after the selection using the Paste after Paste after button button in the Actions panel.
    Notes pasted after the selection
  6. Tap the Next Next button of the Navigation panel button in the Navigation panel to go to the second position of the previously selected notes.
    The second position of the previously selected notes
  7. Tap Next Next button of the Navigation panel again to create a new empty position.
    New empty position for notes
  8. In the Actions panel, tap the Paste Paste button button to replace the selection with the copied notes.

  9. Change the duration to eighth (1/8) by tapping the Eighth Eighth note value button button in the Note values panel.
    Notes replacing the empty selection