Play back your score

Below, we are going to cover some aspects of the playback in Staventabs Pro.

The first position on the staff selected in the Input mode
  1. Click the Play Play button button in the Toolbar to listen to the notes on all staves starting from the selected position.
    Playing back all staves
  2. Note that the last played position is selected when the playback stops.
    The last position on the staff selected
  3. Go to the start of the score using the Jump to Beginning Jump to beginning button button in the Toolbar.
    The first position on the staff selected in the Input mode
  4. Press the Space bar Spacebar key to start the playback. Before the playback is over, press Space bar for the second time or use the Stop Stop button button in the Toolbar to stop it.
    The position selected after the playback has been interrupted

    As we have previously noted, the app selects the position at which the playback is interrupted.

  5. By holding Shift Shift and pressing the Right Arrow Arrow Right key, select all notes with staccato.
    All notes with staccato selected in the Fragments mode
  6. Click the Play Play button button in the Toolbar or choose Playback > Play in the top menu.
    All notes with staccato played back

    Since the selection is outlined by dashed lines, only the selected notes will be played back.
