Note values infographics

Infographics of the note values

Note values and rests

Maxima - Octuple whole note (8)
Maxima - Octuple whole note (8)
Longa - Quadruple whole note (4)
Longa - Quadruple whole note (4)
Breve - Double whole note (2)
Breve - Double whole note (2)
Semibreve - Whole note (1)
Semibreve - Whole note (1)
Minim - Half note (1/2)
Minim - Half note (1/2)
Crotchet - Quarter note (1/4)
Crotchet - Quarter note (1/4)
Quaver - Eighth note (1/8)
Quaver - Eighth note (1/8)
Semiquaver - Sixteenth note (1/16)
Semiquaver - Sixteenth note (1/16)
Demisemiquaver - Thirty-second note (1/32)
Demisemiquaver - Thirty-second note (1/32)
Hemidemisemiquaver - Sixty-fourth note (1/64)
Hemidemisemiquaver - Sixty-fourth note (1/64)
Semihemidemisemiquaver - Hundred twenty-eighth note (1/128)
Semihemidemisemiquaver - Hundred twenty-eighth note (1/128)
Demisemihemidemisemiquaver - Two hundred fifty-sixth note (1/256)
Demisemihemidemisemiquaver - Two hundred fifty-sixth note (1/256)