Mnemonic devices for orders of sharps and flats

Charts with mnemonic devices for the orders of sharps and flats

Order of flats on the Treble Clef

Order of flats on the Treble Clef

Treble Clef - Order of flats.snt | Download | How to open

Order of sharps on the Treble Clef

Order of sharps on the Treble Clef

Treble Clef - Order of sharps.snt | Download | How to open

Order of flats on the Bass Clef

Order of flats on the Bass Clef

Bass Clef - Order of flats.snt | Download | How to open

Order of sharps on the Bass Clef

Order of sharps on the Bass Clef

Bass Clef - Order of sharps.snt | Download | How to open

Order of sharps and flats mnemonic device

The order of sharps is the same as the order of flats written backwards

Order of sharps and flats mnemonic device

How to open .snt files

You can open .snt files with these mnemonics in Staventabs on iOS and iPadOS or Staventabs Pro on macOS.